Privacy Policy


Hello. Your privacy is important to us at Myxzi, llc. We are doing business here at this website (Website) under the name Myx Tees (“Myx Tees”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”). This Privacy Policy describes Myx Tees’s use and sharing of personally identifiable information (“PII”– your full name, email address, or telephone number) that Users voluntarily provide to Us when they register (also known as “Registration PII”). The Term “User (s)” refers to a Visitor or a Registered User of the Website. This Privacy Policy applies to the services offered by Myx Tees, including any Myx Tees branded URL and other features, and any other features, content, or applications offered from time to time by Myx Tees in connection with the Website (collectively “Services”). The Services are hosted in the United States but may include other cloud-based locations throughout the world.

The Website is a general audience site and does not knowingly collect PII from children under 13 years of age.

From time to time We may modify this Privacy Policy to reflect industry initiatives or changes in the law, our PII collection and use practices, the features of the Our Services, or technology, and such modifications shall be effective upon posting by Us on the Website. Your continued use of the Services after We post a revised Privacy Policy signifies your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. It is therefore important that you review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes. If Myx Tees materially changes its practices regarding collection or use of your PII, your PII will continue to be governed by the Policy under which it was collected unless you have been provided notice of, and have not objected to, the change.


General. You do not need to submit any personal data or information in order to visit the Website. When Myx Tees collects PII from you it is because you are voluntarily submitting Registration PII to us in order to register as a User of the Website. Myx Tees may also collect PII from you if you choose to participate in Services activities like sales offers, contests, and surveys, because you want us to furnish you with products, services, newsletters, or information, or in connection with content or suggestions you submit to Us for review.

In addition, Myx Tees collects other non-PII including IP address, site visited immediately prior to visiting Our Website, aggregate user data, page visits, search terms, browser type, operating system, frequency and duration of any visit to the Website, location data (GPS) when using mobile app, and information about email interaction. This data is used to manage and improve the Services, track usage, and for security purposes.

If you link your social media pages to Our Site, then we may also get information from those accounts, like your friends or contacts. The information we get from those sites all depends on what your settings are on those sites and their privacy policies.

Users may also choose to provide non-PII information in their reviews, including but not limited to gender, zip code, interests, hobbies, lifestyle choices, groups with whom they are affiliated (schools, companies), pictures, videos, private messages, bulletins or personal statements (collectively “Profile Information”). The Profile Information in a User’s profile is provided at his or her sole discretion.

Users can change their Registration PII at any time by requesting that their account be terminated. Requests can be submitted to with your User name, real name, and reason for request. With termination of any account, all Registration PII will be permanently deleted. Users can at a later time register again as long as they have not violated any Myx Tees Terms or Conditions. Profile Information is not deletable by User. This includes any reviews or uploaded photographs or videos. Profile Information, once submitted, becomes the public property of Myx Tees for unlimited use in any Myx Tees website, affiliated site or market. 

Cookies. Cookies are small bits of information that Myx Tees places on your computer. Myx Tees uses cookies to identify your Internet browser, and store Users’ preferences. Data in cookies may be read to authenticate user sessions or provide services, such as detecting which language the Site is in or other preferences you may have set up so you don’t have to set them each time to visit the Site.

Any third party advertisements displayed on Our Websites may also contain cookies set by Internet advertising companies or advertisers (known as “third party cookies”). Myx Tees does not control these third party cookies and Users should check the privacy policy of the Internet advertising company or advertiser to see whether and how it uses cookies. See the “Notice” section below for more information on customized advertising on Our Websites. A pixel tag is a tiny image inserted in a webpage and used to record the number and types of views for that page. We may allow third party pixel tags to be present within Our Services for purposes of advertising, providing services or data and statistics collection.

You can program your computer to warn you each time a cookie is being sent, block third party cookies or block all cookies. However, by blocking all cookies you may not have access to certain features within the Services.


When you voluntarily provide PII to Myx Tees, We will make sure you are informed about who is collecting the information, how and why the information is being collected and the types of uses We will make of the information to the extent it is being used in a manner that differs from what is allowed pursuant to this Privacy Policy.

Services may be linked to Internet sites operated by other companies. Services may also carry advertisements from other companies. Myx Tees is not responsible for the privacy practices of websites or other services operated by third parties that are linked to or integrated with the Services or for the privacy practices of third party Internet advertising companies. Once you leave the Website via such a link, access a third party application (such as widgets or sweepstakes) or click on an advertisement, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third party or advertiser site to determine, among other things, how they will handle any PII they collect from you.

Myx Tees may use cookies and similar tools to customize the content and advertising you receive based on the Profile Information you have provided. Profile Information you provide in structured profile fields or questions (multiple choice questions like “Gender” and “Country”) (“Structured Profile Information”), and other non-PII about you may also be used to customize the online ads you encounter to those we believe are aligned with your interests. For example, based on your clothing interests we might display an advertisement to make sure you are advised when your favorite designs have new stock available. The information used for this feature does not provide your PII or identify you as an individual to third parties.

Third party Internet advertising companies may also deliver to you some of the advertisements that appear on the Services. These companies utilize certain technologies to deliver advertisements and marketing messages and to collect non-PII about your visit to or use of the Services, including information about the ads they display, via a cookie placed on your computer that reads your IP address.

How We Use Private Information

Myx Tees will only use the PII you provide under this Privacy Policy in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. We may share personal information with our partners, if you have submitted such information to us, such as your email address, in obfuscated, or non-human-readable form. Our partners use this information to recognize you across different channels and platforms over time for advertising, analytics, attribution, and reporting purposes. Myx Tees may send you emails related to the Our Service and your use of that Service, and regarding your account. We will not send you third-party promotional emails or newsletters without requesting your permission beforehand. If Myx Tees obtains PII from a third party, such as a business partner, our use of that information is also governed by this Privacy Policy. 

By using the Services, you consent to receive promotional materials (e.g., newsletters, emails) or notifications from Myx Tees. If you want to stop receiving such materials from Us, follow the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.

Myx Tees employees, agents, suppliers and contractors must have a business reason to obtain access to your PII. Myx Tees may share your PII with those who help us manage or provide the Services’ information activities (for example, statistical analyses, data processing), or with outside contractors, agents, suppliers or sponsors who help us with the administration, judging or prize fulfillment aspects of contests, promotions and sweepstakes.

These outside contractors, agents, suppliers or sponsors may temporarily store some information on their servers, but they may only use your PII to provide Us with a specific service and not for any other purpose. We may also provide your PII to a third party in those instances where you have chosen to receive certain information and have been notified that the fulfillment of such a request requires the sharing of your PII. Myx Tees also may share your PII with Affiliated Companies if it has a business reason to do so.

As described above, We may customize the advertising and marketing messages you receive on the Website, or may work with outside companies to do so. Your non-PII and/or Profile Information may be shared with these companies so this customization can be accomplished. Myx Tees prohibits these companies from sharing your non-PII and/or Profile Information with any third party or from using it for any other purpose. Anonymous click stream, number of page views calculated by pixel tags, and aggregated demographic information may also be shared with Our advertisers and business partners.

There may be instances when Myx Tees may access or disclose PII, Profile Information or non-PII without providing you a choice in order to: (i) protect or defend the legal rights or property of Myx Tees, llc, it’s officers, agents and employees, it’s subsidiaries and their employees, our Affiliated Companies or their employees, agents and contractors (including enforcement of our agreements); (ii) protect the safety and security of Users or Users of the public including acting in urgent circumstances; (iii) protect against fraud or for risk management purposes; or (iv) comply with the law or legal process. In addition, if Myx Tees sells all or part of its business or makes a sale or transfer of all or a material part of its assets or is otherwise involved in a merger or transfer of all or a material part of its business, We may transfer your PII to the party or parties involved in the transaction as part of that transaction.

When a User who is located in the European Union chooses to post Profile Information that will be publicly disclosed, that User is responsible for ensuring that such information conforms to all local data protection laws. Myx Tees is not responsible under the EU local data protection laws for User-posted information nor shall Myx Tees be responsible or liable for removing any information that the User deems at a later point to be private.

How We Secure Your Private Information

Myx Tees uses commercially reasonable administrative, technical, personnel and physical measures to safeguard PII in its possession against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification. In addition, Myx Tees uses reasonable methods to make sure that PII is accurate, up-to-date and appropriately complete. However, Myx Tees, its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers and their service providers do not represent, warrant, or guarantee that PII will be protected against unauthorized access, loss, misuse or alterations.

If you would like to communicate with us about this Privacy Policy or Myx Tees’s collection and use of your PII, please contact Us at: 

Notwithstanding any other provision, we may also engage a data provider who may collect web log data from you (including IP address and information about your browser or operating system), or place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser to enable you to receive customized ads or content. These cookies contain no personally identifiable information. The cookies may reflect demographic or other data linked to data you voluntarily have submitted to us, e.g., your email address, that we may share with a data provider solely in hashed, non-human readable form. To opt-out of these data provider cookies, please go to .

Choices and Options You Have

You have choices available to you through the device or software you use to access Myx Tees.  You may change the settings within the browser you use to control cookies or other types of local data storage. Also, your mobile device lets you choose how and whether your photos, location, advertising identifiers and other data is shared. To learn how to change these settings, please see the information provided by the software or device provider.

You have options in relation to the information that we have about you described below. To exercise these options, please email us at . If you reside in the European Economic Area (EEA), you can:

  • Access the information we hold about you. We can usually get this information to you within 30 days of your request.
  • Have your information corrected or deleted. If you would like us to delete it please email us at
  • Object to us processing your information. You can ask us to stop using your information, including when we use your information to send you marketing emails or push notifications. You can easily unsubscribe to any of the types of emails you get by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
  • Have the information you provided to us sent to another organization, where we hold this information with your consent or for the performance of a contract with you, where it’s technically feasible.
  • Complain to a regulator. If you’re based in the EEA and think that we haven’t complied with data protection laws, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission in Ireland or with your local supervisory authority.

Revised – October 29, 2021